Let’s go back to the take of fingerprints: If they are found in the Eurodac ou si la préfecture trouve un élément de votre passage dans un autre pays de l’Union Européenne (UE), vous serez placé en procédure « Dublin », expliquée brièvement dans l’article précédent. Si la préfecture ne trouve pas de telles informations, vous pourrez alors demander l’asile en France. Sachez qu’avant le rendez-vous en préfecture, on ne peut pas savoir si une personne fait l’objet d’un enregistrement ou non dans le fichier Eurodac. Les pays que vous avez traversé (la Suisse, la Grèce…) et dans lesquels vous avez été contrôlé, n’ont peut-être pas enregistré vos empreintes.
Do I have the right to not give the fingerprints?
Yes, you have the right to refuse giving the fingerprints. But be careful before making this decision because you will automatically be placed in the accelerated procedure.
Speaking about Albania and Kosovo, at least until today, you will be placed in such a procedure in any case.
What if your fingerprints are illegible or erased? According to the GISTI1, 2021, “some prefectures also refuse to register asylum applications if your fingerprints are illegible, but this is illegal. If necessary, you have to go see an association or a lawyer to challenge this practice.
A guide for the asylum seekers
The taken of fingerprints over, the prefecture should give you The Asylum Seeker Guide,Le Guide du demandeur d’asile, édité par le ministère de l’intérieur , published by the Ministry of the Interior, in a language you understand. It should give you, as well, a list of associations that can help you throughout this process.
“Normal”, “accelerated” or “Dublin” procedure?
After the first questions and the obtaining of fingerprints, the prefecture can place you in the “normal”, “accelerated” or “Dublin” procedure. As I have mentioned in other articles, if you are an emigrant from Albania or Kosovo, very probably you will be placed in an accelerated procedure. Apart the first positive meaning that it can give you, it doesn't mean that you will get the services faster. Many lawyers and civil society organizations firmly believe that this is an unfavorable procedure, which requires quick and superficial examination. It does not leave much time to emigrants to prepare their cases or to judges to study these cases carefully.
When can you be placed in the accelerated procedure?
In 100% of cases, the prefecture will place you in this procedure when you request a review of your asylum application (normally after a negative response from the French institutions). In addition, you are automatically put in an accelerated procedure when you are a citizen of a safe country. The list of these countries can be found herepays d’origine sûr.
In addition to these two cases, you will be placed in the accelerated procedure if:
- you say that you entered France more than 90 days ago;
- you give false identity documents;
- the prefecture notices that you have already applied for asylum in France under another name;
- you do not give your fingerprints or if they can’t be read or are erased;
- you give incorrect information about yourself or your journey;
- you are arrested and the police give you an Obligation to Leave the French Territory (OQTF in French) and you are placed in a detention center.
Surprises may occur even if the prefecture has not placed you in such a procedure. When you submit your application for examination to the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Apartrides (OFPRA in French- the institution that decides whether your asylum application is approved or rejected in France), this service can also put you out of a normal procedure to put you into an accelerated one, after studying your file.
1 Gisti, ( April 2021). Demander l’asile en France.
Légifrance, (April 2021). Code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d'asile
* This article is produced as part of the “Migration, Youth and Internet” project. It is written by Elda Spaho Bleta, volunteer of the local group Oxfam in Nancy, who paid close attention to the information given. The sources of the information are cited, and when personal advice is given, it is the sole responsibility of the editor. If, despite her attention, an error had slipped into the document, please report it to her by writing to nancy@oxfamfrance.org. This article is published with the funds of the French Development Agency, Grand Est Solidarités et Coopérations pour le Développement (GESCOD), and with the support of Oxfam France. The content of the articles does not engage the structures previously named.