If you live regularly in France with a residence permit but which does not authorize work, your future employer must apply for a work permit at an institution called Direccte. The application should be submitted to the regional office of that institution, by filling out an appropriate form, which is provided by the institution itself.
European nationals do not need to hold a work permit to exercise a professional activity in France.
Un employeur peut embaucher, de sa propre initiative, un étranger qui réside déjà en France ou vient d’arriver. Idéalement, le demandeur d’emploi détient une autorisation de travail délivrée par le pays où est établi son employeur et valable pour l’emploi qu’il va occuper en France.
In each case ( if you live in France or have just arrived), the procedures are different. So, let's explain the first case; you are already in France and have an employment contract.
Authentication request. By law, before hiring you, the employer must first check that you have a valid (unexpired) work permit or residence permit which also contains the authorization to work. Let us not forget that you can have a residence permit but just for staying in France, not for working there. In this case, the hiring process changes and I cover this topic in another article.
We will talk here about the case where you have a residence permit which also allows you to work. This work authorization is usually clearly written on the document. Let's come back to the employer to whom you sent your valid permit before signing the contract. What is he doing in the meantime? He must, at least 2 working days before the effective date of hiring, ask the prefecture of the department where the employment will take place, for the authentication of the authorization to work for the foreigner he wishes to hire.
Cette demande peut être faite facilement par email et est accompagnée d’une copie de votre titre de séjour autorisant le travail.
Lorsque deux jours ouvrables se sont écoulés depuis que cette demande a été faite, même lorsque la préfecture n’a pas répondu, l’obligation de l’employeur de s’assurer de l’existence de l’autorisation de travail est considérée comme accomplie.
Your employer must append a copy of your residence permit authorizing work to the single personnel register.
After checking the residence permit and the work permit, the employer can then proceed with the usual hiring formalities formalités d'embauche .