Refugees: how many manage to come to the European Union? *

En 2019, tentant de parler à la logique de l’opinion publique française et européenne, l’envoyé spécial du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR), Vincent Cochetel, déclarait pour le journal français la CROIX : Il faut casser le mythe que tous les réfugiés veulent venir en Europe : 85 % d’entre eux, à travers le monde, sont dans les pays de premier asile, qui sont limitrophes de leur pays d’origine ».

Refugees: how many manage to come to the European Union? * Read More »

Immigrants; how many first residence permits does France issue?

“Un mensonge répété 10 fois reste un mensonge. Répété 10 000 fois, il devient la vérité”. C’était l’un des axiomes et dictons préférés d’Hitler et de Goebbels. Les deux génies noirs de la propagande ne connaissaient que trop bien cette vérité de la nature humaine. Et ils n’ont pas hésité à l’utiliser. Car oui : un mensonge peut se transformer en vérité. C’est scientifiquement prouvé. « Au fil du temps, une exposition répétée à la désinformation peut créer un effet de vérité illusoire. Ce phénomène est lié à la mémoire, car les informations familières sont plus facilement rappelées et apparaissent ainsi plus fiables ». (De Keersmaecker et al. (2020). Hasher et al. (1977).

Immigrants; how many first residence permits does France issue? Read More »

The new law, what changes for immigrants?

The final version of the immigration bill was published this Wednesday, December 21, 2022. The French government sent it, Monday, December 19, 2022, to the Council of State. According to media, the text facilitates the expulsion of foreigners in an irregular situation, in particular those who pose a threat to public order. At the same time, the government intends to introduce new residence permits, in particular for so-called "shortage occupations" and for the foreign doctors.

The new law, what changes for immigrants? Read More »

Ornela: When the paths of life and exile intersect

"I don't like asking people to help me. I was very disappointed..." Ornela* pronounces often this phrase to anyone who asks her why she goes on almost alone with her legal procedures in France. This 28-year-old young woman left Albania when she was barely of age and, for 10 years, she has traveled the roads of immigration while building her family life.

Ornela: When the paths of life and exile intersect Read More »

Edona, for just 51 euros more...

"Covid 19 revealed the true face of the man I gave everything up for." Edona1 decided to leave her birth country at the age of 56 to join her husband, who was already staying and working legally in France. Her decision was made to provide a proper family life for her 13-year-old son, with whom she left Albania. It was the year 2017. After a difficult journey, without a visa but with lots of hope, her regularization does not come. Thus, she is unable to work in France, in the small town somewhere in the Grand Est where she lives with her family. "Each hair on my head represents how many times I have regretted coming to France," she admits.

Edona, for just 51 euros more... Read More »

Kaltrina: Child and foreigner, which criteria prevails?

Kaltrina arrived in France as a minor of 16-years old. Photo credit Anastasia PAPADOPOULOS

"I am a very determined person. If I want something, I get it." Kaltrina's* eyes, as always adorned with a sharp line of eyeliner, shine with determination. And yet, obtaining the right to stay in France was anything but easy for her. On the eve of the renewal of her residence permit, the 21-year-old Albanian tells me her story for the first time.

Kaltrina: Child and foreigner, which criteria prevails? Read More »

The courage to tell your own story and the courage to write it...


Dans les pages suivantes, nous vous racontons un morceau d’une bataille pacifique inachevée… Les 15 articles que nous vous présentons sont écrits par 5 étudiantes de Science Po, Nancy, dans le cadre de leur service civique au Secours Catholique Caritas Hauts de Lorraine. Elles ont participée un atelier journalistique pendant presque 2 mois, en binôme

The courage to tell your own story and the courage to write it... Read More »

Ilegal in France: Do I have to declare taxes?

Quelle est l’opinion des avocats et des organisations d’aide aux immigrés ? Où trouver le formulaire ? L’importance de cette déclaration dans votre demande de régularisation. La réception de l’avis d’imposition. Les immigrés sans titre de séjour ou de travail en France, beaucoup d’entre eux en cours de demande de régularisation, ne savent pas qu’ils

Ilegal in France: Do I have to declare taxes? Read More »
