
The new law, what changes for immigrants?

The final version of the immigration bill was published this Wednesday, December 21, 2022. The French government sent it, Monday, December 19, 2022, to the Council of State. According to media, the text facilitates the expulsion of foreigners in an irregular situation, in particular those who pose a threat to public order. At the same time, the government intends to introduce new residence permits, in particular for so-called "shortage occupations" and for the foreign doctors.

Regularization through labor: Criteria and documents

What are the basic criteria and groups of immigrants who can benefit from the regularization through labor. And the documents that need to be included in the file? In the previous article I explained the basics of regularization in France through labor as well as the opportunities created by the Valls circular. In this circular, other possibilities of regularization are foreseen...

Regularization through labor: Criteria and documents Read more

The list of jobs opened to foreigners in France

If your profession is found there, it will be easier for you to find a job. It means that the needs exceed the supply of the French labor market. And on the other hand, when you legally apply for a work permit (if you are outside France, but also if you are inside but without a residence permit), you will have more chances of obtaining one.

Taxes paid when you are hired?

Une des raisons pour lesquelles les employeurs français hésitent à embaucher des étrangers, en plus de celle des démarches administratives supplémentaires comme nous l’avons expliqué ici, c’est le paiement d’une taxe spéciale. Bref, pour être embauché en France, un employeur doit payer une taxe supplémentaire et importante, qui peut aller jusqu’à des centaines, voire des milliers d’euros.

What procedure when I have a work permit?

If you live regularly in France with a residence permit but which does not authorize work, your future employer must apply for a work permit at an institution called Direccte. The application should be submitted to the regional office of that institution, by filling out an appropriate form, which is provided by the institution itself.

What procedure when I have a work permit? Read more

Residence permit that allow to work

Quand je n’ai pas besoin d’un permis de travail Le travail des étrangers non européens en France est encadré par des règles spécifiques dont découlent des obligations particulières que vont devoir respecter l’employeur et/ou le travailleur étranger. Le code du travail ainsi que le code de l’entrée et du séjour du droit des étrangers (CESEDA) …

Residence permit that allow to work Read more

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